
können Sie Ihr Anliegen beschreiben und gemeinsam mit uns auf 

"helfende Hände"


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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    ahmed bin feuern (Dienstag, 31 Juli 2018)

    Hello everybody,
    we, our two children, my wife and me, are refugees from Syria. The German authorities and people helped us very much to feel welcome here in your wonderful country. They gave us food, clothing und a flat, too. As my wife and me are both persons with a university education looking for an academic job here in Germany, we urgently need help to learn your language. We would be very thankful for getting an intensive language practice in small groups or even individually. Can anybody help us?


                jazzy page: 

jazz standards from the American Songbook!

Listen to my favourites!

          What about a                          saxy tune?

  Now listen to Gregory

     Porter's great voice: 

And here he is with the 

   best jazzy version of:

Also remembering him:


on stage: